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anechoic chamber 無回聲室。


A rectangular box simulating the axial box of the lathe tool is manufactured ; experimental measurements of the surface vibration on the rectangular box and the acoustic field around the rectangular box corresponding to firstly a series of a homogeneous excitation and secondly two iii independent white noise excitations are taken in a semi - anechoic chamber . taking the vibratory properties as input , the properties of the sound field are calculated by the evsbpm and the sdsbpm respectively . the effectiveness and reliability of the evsbpm and the sdsbpm for the calculation of acoustic radiation problem is further verified from the comparison of the calculated results and measured ones 第五章設計加工了一模擬機床主軸箱的長方箱體,在半消聲室環境下,分別對其在單點處一系列簡諧激勵作用下和兩點處的獨立白噪聲激勵作用下的振動及其輻射聲場進行了實驗研究和分析計算,通過計算結果和實測值之間的比較,進一步驗證了改進體積源邊界合肥工業大學搏士學位論文點方法和統計分布源邊界點方法計算振動聲輻射問題的有效性和可靠性。

Then , the auxiliary fields fdtd is used to the periodic structure made of dispersive material , such as the pyramid absorbers in anechoic chamber . the permittivity vs frequency property of the absorber is approached by some dispersive equation model , such as debye model and lorentz model , so the broadband response of the absorber can be gotten through one calculation 然后將輔助場fdtd應用到色散媒質周期結構中,導出了色散媒質中的迭代式,并以暗室吸波材料陣列為例進行計算,提出用某一類型的介電常數色散函數(如debye型、 lorentz型等)來逼近材料的介電常數頻率特性的方法,從而可以對吸波材料進行一次性寬頻計算。

Second , the paper calculates some rfss ( radio frequency simulation system ) anechoic chamber to use go ( geometrical optics ) and gives the detailed calculating course and consequence . then compares it with measured consequence , observes that they tally well . so , the model of microwave anechoic chamber is right 本文采用幾何光學法計算了某射頻仿真微波暗室,并詳細給出了計算過程,最后得到了靜區反射率電平的計算結果,然后將其與實測結果進行比較,發現基本吻合。

We also have a state - of - the - art acoustics laboratory featuring a 400 cubic meter anechoic chamber and full set of testing system of bk2012 , a clean room with an area of 800 square meter in which the processes of back - electret , production of tooling and key parts making can be completed by our specialists 公司按照iso - 9000的要求建立了完整高效的質量保證體系,配備質檢質保工藝質量巡檢人員90余名,公司于1999年12月取得了iso9002認證,并于2002年6月份完成了向iso9001 : 2000的轉換工作。

There are over 80 sets test apparatus in tech - innovation centre , including : anechoic chamber , vibration tester , vibration measurement analysis , impact instrument , constant temperature and humidity facilities . salt spary test case , circle insulation withstand voltage tester , insulation resistance tester , withstand voltage tester , electric lead tester , electrical leakage tester , earth resistance tester , chassis dynamometer , chassis dynamometer control system , high stability dc resistance tester , electrical capacity tester , temperature rise test system 中心擁有各類分析測試儀器和試驗裝置80余臺套,包括:消音室振動臺噪聲振動測試分析系統沖擊儀恒溫恒濕實驗儀鹽霧試驗箱匝間耐壓分析儀絕緣電阻分析儀對地耐壓分析儀泄露電流測試儀對地電阻測試儀測功機測功機控制系統高精度直流電阻測試儀電參數測試儀帶電溫升測試儀復合式三坐標測量儀萬分投影儀及電功測試分析系統等。